This year's theme is CALLED: Come, Follow Me.
In Matthew 4:18-19, we read about the moment Jesus walked by a few ordinary teenagers on an ordinary day, doing ordinary things... but an invitation from Jesus radically changed their lives, exchanging their ordinary for the extraordinary.
Three little words invited them into a life sold out for Jesus… ‘COME, FOLLOW ME’.
We believe that at Easter Camp, God is once again putting out the call 'Come, follow me'. Once again, he will be walking by teenagers, asking them to let go of their nets - let go of the ordinary ways of the world - and accept His call to an extraordinary life following Jesus.
The Easter Camp team were praying and asking God what He wanted to do at EC25; they specifically felt that it would be a stake-in-the-ground week for teenagers, where they respond to Him with action. When they hear the Easter story, they also hear Jesus calling their name. They would know that they are called by name, called with a purpose, called out of the world, called to be holy, called to follow Him.
So, in 2025, we're putting out the call again... JESUS IS CALLING, WILL YOU FOLLOW HIM?
The camp cost this year is $355; this is inclusive of the camp ticket, bus fare, marquee hire, power hire and much more. We will be fundraising over the next few months to help families make this even more accessible for their young people. If this is going to be a major stretch for your family, please let us know. We would love to help ANYONE get to camp.
The youth team has been working hard to ensure that camp is fun, memorable and affordable for every young person who wants to come. We've done everything we can to make camp as accessible for everyone as possible. Easter Camp is an incredible time for every person involved and we would LOVE for you to join us. From the youth to the leaders and helpers, Easter Camp always provides incredible times and makes wonderful memories. Also, this year, each young person who signs up gets a FREE TSHIRT!!
Below, you will find the Coast Vineyard rego form. Please complete this and send the allocated money to our church bank account. This form and one-off payment ensures that all youth have a ticket to camp and the bus. Once your form and payment have come through, we will then buy your ticket, and you will receive a confirmation via Easter Camp.
If you have any questions please reach out to our Youth Pastor Jake