Your money goes a long way. The money you generously give, enables Coast Vineyard to do all that God is inviting us into - to partner with Him in changing lives! Because of your support, our local church can play its part in seeing lives transformed, communities impacted, and the world changed.

Everything we do at Coast Vineyard is made possible by your giving. Thank you!


ways to give

online banking

If you use online banking, you can set up regular giving or a one-off donation. We encourage regular giving by automatic payment as it enables us to more accurately make financial forecasts and distribute our income most effectively. You can do this on your bank’s website, or request a copy of your bank’s AP form from

Coast Vineyard Church account details:

Westpac Silverdale
Coast Vineyard Trust

Note: if you are donating from overseas, the Westpac bank SWIFT Code is WPACNZ2W

online (credit or debit card)

You can give using a debit or credit card online using the button below (including donations from overseas). It's secure, quick, and easy. You can choose what you want to give to ie. general giving, compassion, etc; set up recurring payments, and more.

give at our sunday service

You can give during our Sunday services in the letterbox at the Info Table. There are envelopes available there for you to use, with space to write your details (if you’d like to).

smartphone app -

We use an app called as an online donation portal. There’s a handy app you can download to your phone. After setting up your account, it’s quick and easy to make one off donations or recurring payments.

Check out this short tutorial.


tax rebates

All internet and envelope giving will be recorded. Coast Vineyard is a registered Charitable Trust and issues donation receipts to contributors after the end of the financial year. This entitles the givers to a tax rebate of 33% refund of your giving amount (or 33% of your taxable income, whichever is lesser) of your taxable income can be claimed as a rebate. Donation receipts are issued in April each year.

giving numbers

Coast Vineyard givers can be allocated a giving number. If you want to request a giving number or if you have forgotten your existing giving number, please email