If you’re interested in making Coast Vineyard your church home, here are some next steps you can take to find out more and start getting connected.

welcome lunches

 We’d love to have the opportunity to get to know you better at one of our Welcome Lunches. 

This is a chance for anyone who is new to Coast Vineyard to meet us, meet each other and find out more about the life of the church.  You’ll hear a bit of Matt and Jacinda’s story and the story of the church to help you know who we are, what’s important to us and where we’re going.  You’ll also get to meet some of the other leaders in the church and enjoy some good food while you’re there. 

This is a great place to ask us any questions that might help you as you seek God for your church home or to help you settle in.

Welcome Lunches
Bi-monthly Sundays 12:15pm - 1:45pm
The Hub, 13 Agency Lane (upstairs), Silverdale

To find info on our next Welcome Lunch and RSVP, visit the what’s on page, or send us an email at info@coast.org.nz.

coast groups

We can meet lots of people on a Sunday, but we make friends in small groups. Take a look for a group near you to find some great people to do life, faith and friendship with.


Each of us has a part to play to help the church to thrive and become all that God has in mind for us and for our community. Find out how you can get involved.


As followers of Jesus, we believe we’re invited to cultivate generous lives in response to God’s generosity to us. It is the generosity of God’s people that enables our church to pursue His call and vision.

new to faith

If you’re interested in finding out more about Jesus and what a life of faith looks like, we’d love to help. Please check out our New to faith page for more info.