We believe that prayer is a place to encounter God and have our lives infused with His love and transformational power. It is the enlivening place of ongoing connection with God as we seek to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus would do.

You’ll find a collection of resources and prayer gatherings here to support you in your prayer practice.

You’re able to receive prayer at our Sunday gatherings following the teaching.

Community Prayer

Weekly prayer + fasting gathering

Thursday 7:15 am at Drifters

Monthly prayer gathering

see the what’s on page for the next date

Pre-service prayer

Sunday 9:30 am - auditorium

Personal Prayer

Dirty Glory - Pete Greig

Be Still - Brian Heasley

Prayer Requests

Healing / Soaking Prayer

We have a team of people who are committed to pray for the needs of our church family. We send them an email each week and if you would like to have your prayer requests added, get in touch with us.We’d love to add our prayers to yours. (If you’d like to join that group, you can let us know here too.)

Healing prayer or soaking prayer creates an unhurried space for us to connect with Jesus allowing Him to bring healing to our lives - physically, emotionally, or relationally.

If you would like to know more about this kind of prayer or sign up for a session, please get in touch with us.