Daily Devotionals
Lectio 365
Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. We are inviting everyone who calls Coast Vineyard home to practice this together in 2025. We’d love you to join us!
night prayers
Reflective questions, Bible readings and prayers to help process the day and prepare to sleep.
Reflect on the day that has passed, relinquishing stress and control
Rejoice in God’s goodness, noticing his presence throughout the day
Repent of my sins, receiving forgiveness for what has gone wrong
Rest in readiness for sleep
morning prayers
Inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries: follow daily Bible readings, thoughts and prayers that follow a simple P.R.A.Y rhythm:
P:ause to be still.
R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture.
A:sk for God’s help
Y:ield to His will in your life.
On Sundays, stop to pray a special Sabbath prayer of rest, and journey through special seasons including Advent, Lent and current events.
Lectio for Families
Lectio for Families is a free devotional app that helps families to read the Bible and explore faith through conversation and prayer together.
The Lectio for Families app has been designed for families with children aged between 7-11 years old, but is likely to be suitable for those who are younger and slightly older too!
daily prayers
Like Lectio 365, Lectio for Families follows a simple P.R.A.Y. pattern each day:
P:ausing to be still
R:ejoicing with, and Reflecting on, verses from the Bible
A:sking for God’s help
Y: saying YES to God’s ways.
On Sundays there is a special Sabbath prayer, and occasional pauses of the regular pattern to celebrate heroes of the Christian faith.
welcome to lectio for families
Lectio for Families is a free app for families to do together. It features daily Bible readings, a weekly memory verse, engaging questions to pause and talk about, and prompts for reflection and prayer.
The app can be downloaded by parents and carers onto a mobile device. Families can then choose to either listen to the audio content together, wherever and whenever they are together, or they can read it as they pass the device to each other.
Reading the Bible
If you are new to reading the bible or are finding it a bit challenging, you might like to take a look at these Bible Project videos below. They explore the basics of the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible, providing the opportunity for you to approach your reading with greater insight and a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Why not find a friend that you can explore the bible with this year.
spiritual formation and rhythms of prayer
You’ll find resources here to support you as you cultivate formational practices that help you be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. You can do this on your own but there’s real richness in following the way of Jesus with a few friends.
Practicing the Way - you’ll also find great material in their archives section too.
exploring and practicing sabbath
If you’re curious about what the ancient practice of sabbath is all about, why it matters, and how to put it into practice, why not take a look at some of the resources below. Even better, grab a friend or two and explore this life giving rhythm together.
Sabbath - teaching, podcasts and book recommendations
creating a ‘rule of life’
A rule of life is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that create space for abiding in God and allow us to live in alignment with our deepest desires. We can use this season of change to cultivate practices that help us to go deeper as we follow Jesus. Here are some practices that could help.
Jacinda Lilly explains how having "rhythms of intention" or a "rule of life" can help shape our discipleship journey, whilst reflecting on how our current rule of life can help us make space for God.