Two thousand years ago, a group of people gathered in a room, and the bible says they prayed constantly for ten days. At the end of that prayer meeting, the Holy Spirit was poured out, and the church was born!
With the challenges the church is facing today, we are invited to humble ourselves, seek God in prayer, and ask Him to pour His Spirit out afresh on the church.
As we head towards Pentecost, we are uniting with churches all around the country to pray night and day for our families, friends, neighbours, schools, communities, businesses, leaders, and churches ….. and are seeking God for His kingdom to come and His will to be done here on the Hibiscus Coast and beyond.
Over these ten days, we’ll have a variety of opportunities to pray in a variety of ways.
There is a personal prayer guide (coming soon) with daily scripture, reflections, and prayers that you can weave into your daily rhythm of prayer. Each day over these 10 days, there’ll be opportunities to gather in prayer in various ways and locations. On the last weekend, as we head into Pentecost Sunday, we’re aiming to fill 38 hours of nonstop prayer in the prayer room we’re creating at the Hub. This will be a bit of a challenge for us but one we’re keen to take.
We’re hoping you’ll step into the adventure of prayer over these ten days. It’s an opportunity for each of us to take the next step in our prayer journeys and grow the prayer tools we have in our prayer kete or toolkit. Will you join us? What might God do next? Anything could happen!
pentecost prayer daily devotional
Click here for the daily devotional curated by 24-7 Prayer NZ for this season of prayer.
thursday may 9th - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - the hub
‘Pentecost Prayer Launch’ Gathering
Stop by on your commute back from work and be part of our gathering as we come together to pray and kick off our 10 days of prayer. Let’s seize the chance to lift our hearts and voices in prayer as we seek the Lord. We warmly invite you to join us as we embark on this fresh season of prayer for our church community.
friday may 10th - 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm - The Hub
‘A Quiet Hour’
As your week draws to a close, come and soak in an hour of contemplative, quiet prayer.
"Be still and know that I am God." (NRSV) Psalm 46:10
saturday may 11th - 9 am - 10 am
‘Prayer walking at local beaches’
We’re gathering at our local beaches to pray for God to lead us as we pray for our local neighborhoods. We’ll be using this framework to guide our prayers and will be gathering at:
Orewa - meeting at the Arundel Reserve. Look out for Caitlin as an initial gathering point.
Red Beach - meet up with Matthew and LinLi at the Surf Life Saving club to get started.
Stanmore Bay - look out for Pete, Trish, and Lisa when you meet at the boat ramp near the main carpark.
If you’re keen to walk and pray at your local beach, contact Jacinda and we’ll let others know so they can join you.
sunday may 12th - online resource
‘night prayers’
We’re creating a recording of some night prayers that you can use at home for the end of your weekend. Stay tuned.
monday may 13th - 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm - the hub
‘prayer collage’
We’re experimenting with praying creatively in this gathering. You don’t have to be artistic to do this - just be open to adding a new prayer practice into your spiritual kete (toolkit).
BYO: scissors, gluestick, one magazine (this doesn’t need to be new). Ideally, bring a National Geographic or Home and Garden type magazine rather than a fashion magazine. ** If you don’t have these at home, we’ll have supplies available.
tuesday may 14th - 6:30 am - 7:30 am - stanmore bay beach
‘sunrise Prayer walk’
What a way to start your day!! We’ll be greeting the day with prayer and good company. Meet at the Stanmore Bay Beach boat ramp. We’ll be using this framework to guide our prayers.
wednesday 15th - 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm - the hub
‘come holy spirit’ gathering
This session will create an opportunity to learn more about stepping into the ministry of the Holy Spirit and praying for others. If you want to receive prayer or learn how to pray for people, this is for you.
thursday may 16th - 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm - the hub
‘Mums who pray’
Gather with mums of all ages to pray for the children and families on the coast.
friday may 17th 5:00 pm - sunday may 19th 8:00 am - the hub
‘38 hours of nonstop prayer in the prayer room’
ACTS 1:14
As part of our ten-day season of Pentecost prayer, we’re jumping into the adventure and challenge of praying night and day for 38 hours. The prayer room is an interactive prayer space that enables a chain of unbroken prayer over the weekend, bringing friends, families, small groups, our community, and church together as we pause, pray, and seek God. Our prayer room creates a space for us to connect with God in different ways and facilitates an opportunity to engage our whole hearts, minds, and bodies to connect with God.
If you’ve never experienced a prayer room before and you’re wondering what it’s like, you may enjoy hearing some stories that a church shared after a week of non-stop prayer in their prayer room.
You can book your time to pray using the online booking sheet. You can either gather with others in some of the pre-booked hours or you can book the room for your personal use. Either way, it’d be awesome to see if we can fill 38 hours of unbroken prayer as we head into Pentecost Sunday. Will you take up the challenge?!
saturday may 18th - 8:30 am - 9:30 am - orewa beach lookout
‘pray over orewa’
We’re heading to the highest vantage point we can find with a lookout over our community and praying for God’s presence to come in the Hibiscus Coast. BYO coffee to keep you warm and fuel your prayers.
sunday may 19th - 10:00 am - 11:30 am - orewa college
‘pentecost service’
We’re concluding our 10-day prayer journey with a Pentecost service at church. We’d love to share this with you as we continue to press into God for more of Him and his activity in our lives and through us into our community.