In the second of our mini-series 'one invitation away' Stanley looks at the inspiring and challenging letter that Paul writes to the Thessalonians - a people who clearly gossiped the gospel!
come and see... | Matt Lilly
grief brings breakthrough | Matt Stott
beyond the resurrection | Stanley Ross
resurrection | Matt Lilly
the generous life... room at the table | Jacinda Lilly
the generous life... money | Matt Lilly
the generous life... others | Stanley Ross
2024 looking ahead | Matt Lilly
beloved & becoming | Jacinda Lilly
you're invited | Stanley Ross
why work matters | Mike Evans
adoption through Christ | Nick Wienand
history's pivot point | Stanley Ross
stories from Nepal | Matt Lilly
towards God | Phil & Bron Tait
building a life of prayer | Sam Harvey
taonga | David MacGregor
Today, due to sickness but with a sense of importance in this season, we have decided to play one of our favourite messages from the Vineyard Aotearoa NZ Conference earlier in the year. In the message, David MacGregor (NZ National Director) talks about some of the taonga (treasures) precious to the Vineyard movement. May it encourage and inspire you!