Guest speaker and author of the book, ‘Fresh Fire - revelation, revival & renewal in New Zealand/Aotearoa’, Rosemary Wallis, shares from her journey of learning about the significant ways that God has moved through this country since the late 1700s.
revival preparation | Matt & Jacinda Lilly
revival stories | Jacinda Lilly
prophecy | Matt Lilly
faith for... | Stanley Ross
hungry for more | Caitlin Watson
sabbath | David Warren
Come, Lord Jesus | Jacinda Lilly
the King has come | Caitlin Watson
isaiah's greatest hits... Isaiah 61 | Matt Lilly
isaiah's greatest hits... the hope of good news | Emma Prestidge
isaiah's greatest hits... Isaiah 55 | Stanley Ross
up & go... 3x10s | Micaiah Gillies, Isobel Edmunds, Chris Galloway
join the resistance... the world | Matt Lilly
join the resistance... the flesh | Stanley Ross
join the resistance... the devil | Matt Lilly
standing at the crossroads practicing discernment | Jacinda Lilly
the unevangelised | Simeon Hawkins
Today, Simeon Hawkins unpacks the different Christian perspectives of what might happen to someone who passes away who never had a chance to hear the gospel message. This action-packed message will deepen your understanding and hopefully stir your heart about the importance of sharing the ‘good news’.