Following Jesus

Michael Brown, Annaliese Phipps, Leigh Austin

This Sunday we got to hear from three "homegrown" messages from our Coasties, as they each shared a short message about what it means to follow Jesus. It was a very special Sunday, and we were extremely proud of all three them. Check out the audio here. 

Waking Up

Danielle Strickland

Off the back of speaking at a Justice Conference in Auckland, Danielle Strickland (Originally from Canada, working in USA) came and shared a message with us at Coast. Danielle is involved in the fight for justice , and had an inspirational and challenging word to share with us. 

If Not Us, Then Who?

Jacinda Lilly

"Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread." - D.T. Niles

In our mini-series on sharing faith with others, Jacinda explains how all of us have opportunities to speak truth and life for those around us, and how we all have a part to play in sharing God's message of hope to the world. 


Matt Lilly

Continuing our series on "Doing Life Together", Matt looks at the crucial role of forgiveness for building and maintaining healthy relationships. The Bible teaches that freedom and life comes through forgiving one another - what does this look like in day-to-day life? 


Matt Lilly

We spend a huge amount of time communicating with people in our day to day lives. It's inevitable that some miscommunication happens along the way. What does the Bible have to say about how to respond when we get our wires crossed, or a message is taken the wrong way, or we experience relational fallout because of words? 

Prayer - Part 2

Jacinda Lilly

On the Sunday of our "Long Weekend of Prayer", Jacinda continues our exploration of prayer by looking at how we can pray from a place of intimacy with God. The message also features a few interviews with some of our other Coasties, as they share about their recent experience with prayer.