Concluding the series, 'God is on the move', Stanley looks at some of our motivations for wanting to see renewal and revival take place, as well as David's encouragement to us from Psalm 63.
revival in Aotearoa | Rosemary Wallis
Guest speaker and author of the book, ‘Fresh Fire - revelation, revival & renewal in New Zealand/Aotearoa’, Rosemary Wallis, shares from her journey of learning about the significant ways that God has moved through this country since the late 1700s.
revival preparation | Matt & Jacinda Lilly
revival stories | Jacinda Lilly
prophecy | Matt Lilly
faith for... | Stanley Ross
hungry for more | Caitlin Watson
sabbath | David Warren
Come, Lord Jesus | Jacinda Lilly
the King has come | Caitlin Watson
isaiah's greatest hits... Isaiah 61 | Matt Lilly
isaiah's greatest hits... the hope of good news | Emma Prestidge
isaiah's greatest hits... Isaiah 55 | Stanley Ross
up & go... 3x10s | Micaiah Gillies, Isobel Edmunds, Chris Galloway
join the resistance... the world | Matt Lilly
join the resistance... the flesh | Stanley Ross
join the resistance... the devil | Matt Lilly
standing at the crossroads practicing discernment | Jacinda Lilly
the unevangelised | Simeon Hawkins
Today, Simeon Hawkins unpacks the different Christian perspectives of what might happen to someone who passes away who never had a chance to hear the gospel message. This action-packed message will deepen your understanding and hopefully stir your heart about the importance of sharing the ‘good news’.